Born to kick and not to kicked in English Fiction Stories by Deepti Khanna books and stories PDF | Born to kick and not to ki ked

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Born to kick and not to ki ked

Aakansha mummered to herself , as she turned the pages of the file ,"mistakes and more mistakes ."
She picked the receiver of the phone and dialled a number " Megha ! "
Aakasha spoke in a soft tone "can you please come in "
Megha "Yes ,sure ma'am ."

Soon their was a knock at the door , and a soft shrill voice asked "may I come in ma'am "
Aakasha "yes ,please "
A pail short heighted , skinny girl entered the room "ma'am did you called me. "
"Yes ! Megha " Aakasnsha was about to shout at her but something within her stopped her and her voice switched to a humble one .
" I have gone through this story , and it requires a few corrections , can you please edit it ."
Aakasha handing over the file to Megha thumbed her forehead " I have done the corrections in it and you have to just go through and re-write and get a print out and give me ."
Megha nervously opened the file and saw that in each page Aakansha had encircled her mistakes with red pen and the whole file was
a combat zone of blue and red ink .
Megha in a apologetic voice " sorry ,ma'am I will not make mistakes in the future ."
Aakasha bent back on her chair and thumbed her forehead "ok ,now you may leave."

Aakasha kept on starring at the ceiling for a long time , a memory from the past flashed infront of her eyes .
White sheets flying in a grey room , where a young girl was a subject of laughter amongst hazy heads .
A slight shiver ran in Aakansha's slim body ,she picked up her bag and left her chamber .

Aakansha entered the lobby of the building
where ten grey sketches of great personalities were hung against the wall of the pathway .
While crossing the long pathway she gazed at the sketches , with admiration . Lady Diana ,
Mother Teresa and further more and then suddenly she stopped and touched a sketch with love flowing out of her eyes .
Suddenly Megha came rushing from behind and called out " Ma'am I have rectified all the mistakes ,please before going have a look over the article ."
Aakansha resuming back to her current
situation looked back at Megha and said to her "why haven't you left for home ? Office hours are over ?"
"No ,ma'am ! I felt ashamed of myself ,when i opened the file ,so I thought to first recorrect my work and then go back ."
Aakansha held the file in her hands and started reading it infront of the black and white sketch .
Megha with a note of query in her voice asked a question to Aakasha, "Ma'am ! If you don't mind can you please tell me one thing?"
Aakansha closed the file and with raised eyebrows saw Megha and said " yes !"
Megha in an innocent voice " Ma'am I know all the personalities who are portrayed in these sketches , but I often wonder whose sketch is this ? "
Akanksha calmly touched the picture and said "it's my mom " and she handed the file to Megha and said "now the article is fine and will be published in the next issue " and handed the file back to her and went out the building and at the end stood her own grey sketch against the wall.